Participants of the meetings are as below.
From VKIST, there are Dr. Kum Dongwha – VKIST President and VKIST leaders.
From KOICA Vietnam, there are Mr. Cho Han Deog - Country Director with other From KOTRA, there is Mr. Lee Jong Seop - KOTRA President.
Besides, VKIST welcomed the participation of representatives from Korean contractors, such as POSCO A&C and YoungJin, and construction experts.
With the aim of discussing the current status of implementing cooperation contents of the VKIST Project and progress of construction works, the visit of KOICA Vietnam and KOTRA happened at a critical point so that both sides can determine prompt measures to accelerate the project progress and appropriate plan for the future of VKIST, living up to the expectation of both Governments as the organization leading the development of science and technology in Vietnam in the future.
Overview of the meeting
At the meeting, President Kum Dongwha highly appreciated the visit of KOICA and KOTRA to VKIST. The President said that this visit demonstrated the friendship and close cooperation relationship between two countries Vietnam - Korea in general, and between VKIST and KOICA in particular. This was also a good opportunity for VKIST to share and disseminate the upcoming activities as well as the process of establishing the Institute. At the same time, VKIST hoped that KOICA would continue to actively support the Institute, especially in the foundation phase in the first 5 years of the Project. President Kum DongWha believed that although the current investment in infrastructure facilities has not met the expected level, this is also a good premise for VKIST to build a new model of research institute in Vietnam.
President Kum DongWha spoke at the meeting
Speaking at the meeting, on behalf of KOICA Vietnam, the Country Director - Mr. Cho Han Deog expressed the great gratitude to VKIST for hosting the meeting and cooperating with KOICA Vietnam in recent years. Mr. Cho also appreciated that the VKIST project has been implemented following the plan. Considering this project as the national project of Korea, KOICA Vietnam and other Korean entities would support VKIST at their best. KOICA Vietnam Director also hoped for the good results attained by both sides at the end of the project.
Mr. Cho Han Deog - Country Director of KOICA Vietnam spoke at the meeting
Within the scope of the meeting, Mr. Ryou Hang Ryoun from POSCO A&C and Mr. Won Kilyeon from KIST Secretariat team has brief presentations flashing-back the milestones of the VKIST project. The construction progress was also reported at the meeting with the updated completion rate as 98.8% of the total work. Currently, VKIST is working on the establishment and development of working environment and operational management. VKIST is working towards the objective of becoming the contract research institute with the leverage of the financial autonomy, R&D-friendly environment and the global-standardized managing system.
Mr. Ryou Hang Ryoun presented the current construction progress within the framework of VKIST project
Mr. Won Kil Yeon presented about the establishment process of VKIST
After the meeting, all participants joined a short tour around VKIST to inspect the current construction progress and discuss timely adjustment if needed.
VKIST led the KOICA Vietnam and KOTRA delegations to visit the VKIST buildings
At the end of the visit, KOICA Vietnam and KOTRA sides thanked VKIST for the warm welcome and believed that the project's results would contribute to the development of science and technology in Vietnam as well as the project will become. symbol of the good cooperation between the two countries./.
VKIST took souvenir photo with KOICA and KOTRA delegations